मंगळवार, ९ मे, २०१७

How to make a mold using modela machine

                                     How to make a mold using modela machine

First i will be use a inks-cape software  because i can draw a 2d design in  ganapathi god out line sketch .
And gives a some measurements like a drawing hite also width .
i can use a mm scale .because i want's a small mold.
like a hite-70mm and ,width-60mm .
Now i can select a parth commend and select a tresh bitmap.
now  save the svg formate.
And again open the svg file a 123d design  software .
now extrude the sketch how match you want a hite of the  mold .
And again save this file stl formate .
Now open the computer and using ubuntu software.
First open the netfab software  and edit tthe sketch again repair this sketch.
New open start the modela machine and select the x-axes & y axes  because how can you start your sketch left or right. Now set the modela gravity .
Now give the  sketch for stl formet .
                          Finally that look like this

Group assignment photos :
Looking a students How it's work

Closely observation 

Working time of machine 

 My working time photos

operating of modela machine 

 Finally complete our 45 min sketch look like this

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