जोवार क्रॉप को आने वाले disease को पहचान ना
उद्दश:जोवर क्रॉप को आने वाले डिजीज को पहचान ना
सादने "जोवर क्रॉप
कृति :rust of jowar
casul organisam:puccina purpurea
symptoms:the first symptomsare the flecks on the lowar leaves
rust pustules develop mainly on the lowar leafs sarface which rupture
to relae redish powdery masses of uredospores
etiology:uredos pores are oval and organgein colom ,in tair mingled with club shaped
or captial coloured paraphes primari infaction of from altarnat host and
seconday through uredos
management:as the disease appresrs latien the season after ear for mation the lossis negligibl
1]carbendism [2] mancozed
some Importent disease of jowar crop:[1]Grain smust of jowar crop
[2]loose smust of jowar crop
[3]head smust of jowar crop
[4]long smust of jowar crop
[5]downy mildew of surghum
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